Community Involvement
The HRFD cares for the health and safety of the citizens of Hay River. Here are just a few of the events and activites we host or are invovled in around your community:
- Annual Bike Rodeo – come out to the firehall where firefighters and Sparky teach the children of Hay River all about bike safety. Lots of food and prizes and loads of fun!
- Hall Tours – would you like to bring your group to the hall for a tour to learn more about what we do? Give us a call and schedule a tour. All ages are welcome.
- Track & Field – a little heat stroke? sprained ankle running the 100m? We are there for you in the medical tent. We also prep the track before the big event.
- New Year’s Fireworks – midnight on Dec 31 the night sky is full of fireworks… thanks to the Town of Hay River and set off by your local fire department.
- Breakup– the yearly break up of the river can be a stressful time for many members of the community. The HRFD members are on stand-by 24 hours a day during this time to assist in door-to-door notification of flood risk, river watch and evacuation if required.
- Santa Sleigh Ride – the week before Christmas watch out for the HRFD, Sparky and Santa touring around town on their reindeer-pulled sleigh delivering goodies and cheer to all.
- Fire Prevention Week – members and Sparky visit the schools during this important week to remind kids about important fire safety information. The week is topped off by the Open House at the firehall. Come and meet all your local dedicated volunteers, check out all the equipment, pictures with Sparky and lots more….